Sunday 7 July 2013

Crayola Colour Mood…

And given the glorious weekend we are having it can only be… Sunglow! Yes, this miraculous yellow is reminiscent of that ne’er too often seen glowing ball in the sky. The sun has come out and we’d all better have our hats on lest we burn, baby.

Yesterday I sat out in the garden for the longest sun session I’ve been able to have in years (we all know I’m referring to the great British weather there) and it has resulted in much happiness and sunny relaxation, despite the redness I am now sporting across my nose and shoulders. Oh the pains of having a naturally pale complexion! I do quite like the white stripes left across my wrist from my bracelets though – there is something very comforting in these physical marks that remind me I have actually seen the sun this summer.

So, Sunglow it is, and Sunglow all around. Isn’t it astonishing the difference a fine day can make? Today is dedicated to the Sunglowing worship of the sun.

Elloise Hopkins.

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