Saturday 1 August 2015

Radio Silence…

It’s been another one of those crazy busy weeks that you realise has actually been longer than a week and you’ve totally lost touch with life and the greater world again.

You will have to forgive my bouts of invisibility – I’ve been doing the family thing and the general, dull admin parts of life as well as that most important ‘thinking’ thing in which I made several decisions, none of which are ready for discussion as yet. There has also been last minute holiday shopping because – can you believe it? – the autumn clothes are already in the shops. Mind you, looking out at the cloudy sky this morning perhaps I can believe it.

The start of this week I was out of action, away for a couple of days and witnessing some very dear friends speak their vows to each other in a beautiful, intimate and very emotional wedding. After eight years they remain as affectionate towards one another as they did when I first met them back at university and I am thrilled for them and feel extremely privileged to have been there.

Anyway, post-wedding it was an extremely busy week. My inbox is out of control, I have photos to download and share, under-the-bed adventures are needed to retrieve a suitcase and stash some books away – let’s just say my ‘to do’ list is looking more than a little frightening, plus, and more excitingly, I’ve got material for the British Fantasy Awards Independent Press category here ready for scrutiny as I once again sit on the jury panel.

Someone once said ‘so much to do, so little time’ and that is very much the way I am feeling and the way my life is going at the moment, but better that than boredom, I would suggest, and so I shall press on. One thing at a time, my dear. One thing at a time

Elloise Hopkins.

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